You should now be entering your choices into your ucas form. Please make sure that you check the correct institution code (university), course code and campus code to avoid inadvertently applying to the wrong thing.
Make a note of entry requirements on your blog.
You log into 'apply' to complete your ucas form. When I have given you feedback on your second statement draft, you can paste this into your form. If it is too long, tell me and I will help you edit it down on classroom (as long as it's a google doc, we can edit together).
When this is done, you check you have checked 'section complete' for all sections and I will check your application and approve it (or return with any amendments).
Then you pay and send. If you know that you are definitely never going to go to uni then you do not need to do this bit but I don't advise blocking that option.
I will then add your reference and predicted grades, send it to Charlie for him to approve and then it goes through the college system.
Once your application has been processed, you will need to start logging into 'track' on ucas. You will start to receive interview requests and offers. You do not need to make final choices until you have heard back from all 5 universities.
The deadline for ucas applications is in January but the process takes a while so the college deadline is mid November. I need time to properly write your references. Universities make offers before January if they receive applications early so it is definitely worth getting in there early.
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