Thursday, October 8, 2020

Arts Funding

A source of funding is Arts Council England (ACE)

Within the UK, there is (ever diminishing, unfortunately) funding for arts projects of varying sizes. Getting a grant for your project means that you don't need to pay it back but you will need to justify your spending and part fund it some other way be that private finance or other funding bodies.

The Arts Council for England is a major organisation and fund all sorts of things. You can apply directly to them or to one of the more specialist bodies that they fund such as The Wellcome Trust.

General Arts funding is useful for larger scale projects that involve more than one art form, leave some kind of legacy or benefit the community in someway. The money is raised mainly from the National Lottery and distributed by the government.

Next term, you will be taking part in some workshops with artist Serafina Steer, and Dalston music venue, Cafe Oto. These workshops have been made possible because she won some ACE funding to work with the venue to stream some performances and share the process with groups of music students to help them understand how the behind the scenes work to make performances happen works.

In November, you will be working with Fundamentals who have received Comic Relief funding (via ACE) to deliver mental health and poetry workshops to schools and colleges. These workshops benefit the participants as well as the poets and the music organisation that commissioned the project by way of experience, performance opportunities, learning opportunities and media exposure. The poets get paid to deliver the workshops and the institutions don't have to pay for them.

When applying, your location can be important. Over the last couple of months, I have been working with a Sheffield based promoter who received ACE funding to produce a series of performances in small venues in Sheffield to bring more established artists there and support local emerging artists. We were scheduled to headline a show with a local act supporting but it was cancelled due to COVID. Details of how they cahnged their project due to COVID can be found here. The filmed gigs will be streamed on October 22nd with live interviews and Q&As. The funding had paid for us to film our sets, edit the films, travel to rehearse etc. 

BASSASS GRAMMAR is a dance/music/theatre piece devised by Keir Cooper and Rose Biggins, exploring power, privilege and shame. Keir is based between London and Cornwall and applied for funding from Cornwall. They were awarded funding from The Arts Council to put together the show and have since been touring it, making it more self-sustaining. Keir's other successfully funded projects span interactive theatre, music and other multi-disciplinary practices.

 Music specific funding is largely provided by The PRS Foundation and there are many categories so there is usually one that is suitable for your project. You can see videos of case studies here:

A student who was here a couple of years ago, Tega Mendes, is in the process of applying for Women make Music funding to enable her to write an EP in collaboration with another female producer. She completed her course here and has just finished her degree at ICMP. She has been performing and released a single but is ready to move to the next stage of her career.


In 2015, former WKC music production student, Little Simz, received the Momentum fund to create and promote her debut album -


INDEPENDENT TASK: spend an hour or two looking at the kind of funding that is available and the types of projects that have been funded. Is there anything you might like to do int eh future that would be able to happen if you had funding for it? Would you be able to make it benefit the community? Is there a specific PRS fund that might apply to you? Please note ideas on your blog.

Young people can also get age-specific funding from the prince's Trust for starting up a small business.

Other links:

Business Funding

Youth Music

Sound & Music

MU links

Fenton Arts Trust

Student Funding

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