Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Listening to our environments



Get your headphones and phone. Choose a space where you can be still and undisturbed if possible - ideally outside or near an open window. Other spaces might be in a stairwell, empty room...

With your headphones on/in, record a voice memo.  Just listen to what you can hear. Aim to record 2-5 mins of sound. We are listening for unintentional, environmental sounds. How is listening through headphones different?

Send yourself the voice memo and import it to a track in bandlab. Look at the waveform - are there any particular peaks? What are the sounds in the peaks? Is there a general low level noise? What is it?

Listen to the recording at least 3 times, making a note of different levels of sound. Perhaps you can imagine it as a multi track recording - what would the different channels be?

Upload the recording from your phone to classroom. Also upload a short doc listing the sounds you heard if you get time.

When we come back together, we will discuss what we noticed about our environments.

Extension task
On a piece of paper, try to draw what you hear on a timeline to create a simple graphic score. You can add this to the task if you like so we can compare them - they will all be completely different and will represent how you interpreted a specific moment in a specific location.

Optional extension resources:

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