Thursday, February 25, 2021

EXP - logging your process/reflections

You need to log your progress, talk about the process and reflect regularly throughout the project.  In order to do this in a helpful way and in a way that hits the high grade criteria, you may want to ask yourself these questions each week:

  • What did I do this week? Why did I focus on this and how has it helped my project?

  • What challenges did I face? How did I overcome them?

  • What went well?

  • Where there any surprises? How do I feel about the process and my project so far?

  • Did I achieve what I set out to this week? If not, how might this affect my project?

  • What is my plan for next week?

When it comes to evidencing this, you can do it however works best for you.

Audio - you can use voice memos on your phone as you go then join them up or have one session using Logic to audio record.  Upload this to sound cloud or similar and embed into your project folder or blog if you have set one up for this.

Video - you can keep a video diary and embed this via YouTube each week - at the end of your project you could simply present this as a play list if you want it to be a bit neater.

Text - you can handwritten or type a more traditional log and evidence this on your project - just make sure we can read it if it's handwritten! You can start a new blog for your project if you like or keep it as a series of google docs/files. If you type notes into your phone you can export this.

If you are having to change your plans somewhat because of this blasted virus, talk about it in these reflections. Thankfully, your qualification is al about process, evaluation, adapting and creating rather than exams so it is possible to turn this to your advantage!

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