In your writing groups, you need to discuss where you are with your songs and make sure that you have shared all recordings, notes and parts etc.
Go to your blog and make sure that you have labelled all posts to do with this class with 'songwriting'.
[if you haven't already done so, please go to 'layout' on your blog (left hand menu) and then 'add gadget'. Scroll down to 'labels'. Save arrangement. We will now be able to see your labels and you will be able to direct us to labelled post by clicking on 'view blog' then the label you want. When you submit the URL we will see just those posts]
For your assignment, you should address the following points:
a) How did you find working in a small group of relatively new to you musicians-
- What did you find difficult?
- Did any thing surprise you?
- What did you enjoy about it?
b) How did you approach writing collectively-
- Was there an obvious leader?
- Did you feel that everybody got to contribute?
- Were there limitations due to social distancing?
- How did you decide how you would work together?
c) What did you learn from the process-
- What will you take from this experience?
- How do you think this relates to working as a songwriter professionally?
- What did you learn about your peers and yourself?
When you submit, please submit as a google doc and a link to your songwriting posts.